
For years we didn’t celebrate Halloween, we were the ones turning the lights off and pretending we weren’t home. It’s only since we moved into our current house five years ago that we’ve started to get into the swing of things. It’s one of the reasons I love living in a small village, there is a real sense of community, which is never more evident than on Halloween. The pumpkin carving is a serious business. Patterns are researched and each year needs to be a step up from the last. Halloween afternoon is spent hollowing out pumpkins and trying to…

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My Favourite Season

If I’m being honest I don’t really have a favourite season.  I think they all have their good and their bad points, and I try to focus on the positives of the season we are currently enjoying.  This is very unlike my husband who always seems to want the season he isn’t in.  In the middle of summer he’s longing for Christmas and come January he’s wishing that the sunny days were here. So rather than focus on my favourite season I’m going to focus on my favourite things of each season. Autumn the fall in temperature allowing the scarves…

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Oh Halloween, You’ve Changed!

This week we’re really enjoying the build up to Halloween. There are two pumpkins in the garden waiting to be carved, we have several pumpkin decorations dotted around the house and there’s a brand spanking new wizard outfit hanging in the little mans wardrobe. This is all a far cry from the Halloweens I remember as a kid: My costume for trick or treating consisted of a black bin bag with two holes cut in it for the arms,  no fancy witches dress for me. If I was lucky I got a plastic witches hat with a bit of green…

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Honey and Granola Cupcakes

I’ve had the Primrose Bakery cook book for about 4 years and have only made one recipe from it. At the moment I’m on a little bit of a mission to make more things from scratch so when hubby said he fancied a “healthy” dessert on Friday I said I’d make one rather than buying something from the shop. So after a quick flick through my unused cook books I settled for these. Ingredients (makes approx. 12 cupcakes) 110g unsalted butter (room temperature) 120g light soft brown sugar 175g clear honey 2 large eggs 220g sifted plain flour 1/2 teaspoon…

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The Pumpkin Patch

October is one of my absolutely favourite months.  I love Autumn, and October in particular, as the weather starts to cool and the scarves and hats can start to reappear.  And the absolute highlight of the month is Halloween, which means the search for the perfect pumpkin is on. My room-mate from university is American and for the past couple of weeks my Facebook timeline has been filled with the most gorgeous pictures of her and her beautiful family amongst the Pumpkin fields in Westchester (it always makes me smile that she moved there, probably living next door to Monica and Chandler),…

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