Death Of A Seahorse

Our Seahorse joined the family on December 25th 2011. From that day onwards he was very much loved and cherished. For the past 2 and a bit years he has been a constant presence in our bedtime routines. In his early days he would nestle safely in the Moses basket with our little boy. At 3am he would be playing his music on repeat with his beautiful belly glowing. It was a 50/50 chance who he would send to sleep first, me or O. As the final notes of Frère Jacques played out his belly would fade and he would…

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Living Arrows 10/52

Now that my little man is feeling a lot better we spent Sunday attempting to feed the ducks.  As it was the first sunny Sunday of the year the first place we tried was so crazy busy we couldn’t park up and the second place we tried had lots of too full ducks who weren’t interested in our late offerings. Luckily there was a lovely park nearby with a great slide, the only thing O is really interested in, which made up for the lack of duck interest!

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An Ode To Chicken Pox

All weekend plans are cancelled We won’t be going out Chicken pox has paid a visit We’re certainly in no doubt It started off quite mildly The odd spot here or there But now there’s bloody loads of them Even in his hair 

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Living Arrows 8/52

Sometimes I feel like a bit of a lazy mum.  That I don’t do enough with O.  That I should be crafting, and painting, and just generally doing more activities with him. Last week was half term so the perfect chance to do more things together.  So we baked cakes, planted seeds, “attempted” to do some crafty stuff, did lots of drawing and colouring and we had a wonderful time together. I love this picture of him mixing his cake, he did a fabulous job (and only a bit of it went on the floor!)

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Can you really make friends online?

Discovering I was pregnant in March 2011 came as a bit of a shock. We’d only decided to start trying for a baby four weeks earlier so when the pregnancy test came up as positive, it took us both by surprise. Apart from telling my best friend we decided to keep it to ourselves, until we’d had our 12 week scan. In those worrying first weeks of pregnancy, I needed someone to talk to and signed up for Baby Expert and joined the Due In November forum group for other mums-to-be who would be due at the same time as…

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