The Toddler House Takeover

10 signs that your home is being taken over by your toddler: 1. The biggest clue is the pile of crap toys that will congregate in one corner of the living room.  I swear that pile multiplies over night! And you can’t get rid of anything, ever, because as soon as you try to sneak something away (you know, something that they have played with for 5 minutes about 6 months ago) it suddenly becomes their most treasured possession!

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Rosemary Chicken with New Potatoes & Olives

I’m a huge fan of one pot cooking, it’s the lazy girl in me coming out. I love being able to throw everything into one dish and then bang it in the oven. Plus having only one dish to wash up at the end is the added bonus. This is one of my favourite summer recipes and so easy to do. Put all your ingredients in one roasting dish, cook for about an hour and a half and then eat. Perfect for lazy Sunday afternoons when you would rather be out in the sun than slaving away in the kitchen!

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I’m A Post Holiday Slob

I take holiday planning quite seriously.  It’s booked months in advance, so we have something to look forward to.  A few new pieces are carefully chosen to update my summer wardrobe and the holiday haircut is booked in.  Insurance, check.  Currency, check.  Passports and all vital documents, all checked and safely secured in their travel wallet ready to go into the hand luggage.  The taxi-man (or Dad as he prefers to be called) is booked and we’re ready to go! Unfortunately all of my enthusiasm has been used up in the before holiday phase, so there’s not that much left for our homecoming!  I wish I could be one of those people…

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Putting The Moaning On Hold!

I’ll be the first to admit I can be a bit of a moaner. You should see me in the staff room at lunch, although (in my defence) I’m not on my own! My classic moans are along the lines of: The other half isn’t romantic enough Why drive at 20mph in a 40 zone, at 8am in the morning! Work can be a bit shit at times Where would you even buy a fleece with owls on when you’re 40? (You know the ones, usually in red or blue, and not in any way a cool owls pattern) I’d…

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The Final Countdown

In less than 4 weeks time thousands of Year 11 pupils across the country will be starting their study leave. For many of those students they will already have sat quite a few of their exams as it all kicks off 2 weeks on Monday. Scary stuff!! The kids are now starting to panic as it dawns on them that the past 5, no 11, years of schooling have been building up to these next few weeks. I love this time of year. It’s hectic, it’s mad busy, but there’s a different kind of buzz about school. Suddenly the after…

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