Putting The Moaning On Hold!

I’ll be the first to admit I can be a bit of a moaner. You should see me in the staff room at lunch, although (in my defence) I’m not on my own!

My classic moans are along the lines of:

The other half isn’t romantic enough
Why drive at 20mph in a 40 zone, at 8am in the morning!
Work can be a bit shit at times
Where would you even buy a fleece with owls on when you’re 40? (You know the ones, usually in red or blue, and not in any way a cool owls pattern)
I’d like to be a bit thinner
Disney ear things on car aerials actually make me want to scream (apologies in advance if you have them but I just don’t get it!)
Why can’t I win the lottery?
Dearest other half, there’s a gap when you tried to close the curtains

A bit whiny and petty I’m sure you’ll agree. (Apart from the lottery one. Seriously, I’ve already spent my first million in my head!)

But then, sometimes, you hear something that shocks you to your very core and puts all those silly moans into perspective. And then after getting your head around the first shock, you may get hit with a second, that makes you realise you’re actually a very lucky bugger. When these things happen the fact you may have to nag your husband to buy you the odd bunch of flowers seems irrelevant and you take a few minutes to be grateful for what you have.

So whilst I’m a whinger, life is actually pretty kind to me and I am so lucky to have:

A husband who is my bestest friend and loves me, but also knows me well enough to put me back in my box when I need it (not literally, obvs)
A gorgeous little boy who I adore and thinks I’m the best thing since sliced bread
2 fantastic parents I see at least 3 times a week and are always on hand to help out when needed
Some amazing in-laws who treat me like their own daughter
Great friends who I’ve shared the good and bad times with
Our dream forever home in a lovely little village
A job that (despite the odd moan) I enjoy for a large proportion of the time
2 crazy little dogs
And most importantly, my health and the health of my family and close friends

So whilst I have all of the above, the moaning can be put on hold for now. I need to appreciate what I have because you honestly never know what is around the corner, and if something unexpected ever does appear on the horizon I know I’ve got an amazing crew watching my back!

No real reason for the photo, other then I thought it was pretty!



  1. Jenny
    May 14, 2014 / 8:57 am

    Love the photo, there is always a reason for pretty things it makes us all smile way to end with it. lol I moan all the time and then the same happens you hear some bad and it makes you rethink it all and think that I should really be more grateful for what I have right in front of me. It’s human natural to think about all these little moans. But that’s ok there are little moans. We really are grateful happy people overall so I always think its not like I am saying I hate my life…. hahaha a little nag here and there never hurt anyone. But glad we are being positive and upbeat. So I will join you and put my moaning aside I have been doing a lot of it lately for no reason other than my own fault of being too busy. hahahah No excuses. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With me and brightening my day with some positive motivation!!!! #sharewithme

  2. Twice a mummy double the fun
    May 14, 2014 / 8:57 am

    It’s a very pretty picture! I agree with your post. I used to moan at the slightess things like some you have mentioned. I do now try and not moan and appreciate how lucky I am to have a husband, two girls and wonderful friends x #sharewithme

  3. Helen Porter
    May 14, 2014 / 9:43 am

    I am a bit of a moaner too but like you I do appreciate things I know I do have – everyone moans from time to time – I like that picture too! #sharewithme

  4. Nicola Young
    May 14, 2014 / 10:00 am

    Yes, there are some occasions where life is definitely put in to perspective and doesn’t seem quite so bad after all.

  5. pottymouthedmummy
    May 14, 2014 / 11:58 am

    I like to try and focus on the positives when I’m feeling down or a bit moany faced. It does help. But then I always think it’s more productive when we focus on them ourselves rather than having a bystander chuck it in our face! If I whinge to certain “friends” all they say is – well you have a child and husband so shut up. Um thanks xxx #sharewithme

  6. May 14, 2014 / 2:03 pm

    I can relate to this and many of your moans have been mine, too! What is it about men and shutting the curtains? 🙂 Definitely a great reminder to focus on all the blessings! Thanks! #sharewithme

  7. May 14, 2014 / 2:37 pm

    I think we all need a bit of a kick up the backside like this every now and again. So important to remember the little things isn’t it? Moaning just seems to come easier some days! Lovely post 🙂

  8. May 14, 2014 / 5:29 pm

    I love the piccy. I have that one in my garden! I enjoy a good old moan and especially in the staffroom and on playdates. In fact? Anywhere there is tea pretty much! I’m lucky too. I count my blessings every day xxx

  9. Caroline (Becoming a SAHM)
    May 14, 2014 / 7:09 pm

    Fab post and I know exactly what you mean. I can be a right moaner, especially when i am preggo and tired all the time, but I know I am so lucky so try and keep my trap shut a bit. One of my best friends recently had a scare and was told she may have a brain tumour. She doesn’t but does have a serious condition affecting her brain and may have to choose between keeping her sight or being able to try for the 2nd child she desperately wants. Makes me shut my mouth about a painful pelvis and a headache! But I have to agree driving at 20 in a 40? Grrrr 😉 Fab post! xx #sharewithme

  10. May 14, 2014 / 8:08 pm

    Oh this is so true – I always try to remind myself to count my blessings because sometimes I get down and feel put upon as a mother but just making a list like yours helps to put everything back in perspective. You are so lucky to have such great family around you and a job you enjoy too. X #sharewithme

  11. wrymummy
    May 14, 2014 / 8:59 pm

    I LOVE this post! I’ve been guilty of unprovoked moaning (mainly in my grumpy head) quite a lot of late, and this gave me a kick up the behind. I will sort it out forthwith and write a list of my thank yous in my diary tonight. Thanks Jo! xx

  12. Leanne (@suggys.co.uk/Leanne)
    May 14, 2014 / 10:14 pm

    I think were all guilty of moaning about the boring mundane day to day crap that seems to just drone on and on and on… but there is times when you stop and think, boy im lucky to have this, or share my life with blah blah and then everything changes, untill your OH starts snoring whilst your trying to go to sleep!!! (How Dare He! haha) #ShareWithMe

  13. May 15, 2014 / 1:03 pm

    But sometimes moaning is just good fun 😉 I totally agree with the need to reign it in. It can suck you dry after a bit. Lovely post #sharewithme x

  14. It’s great that your recognise your habit and can put things in perspective, but nothing beats a good moan every now and then. Let it all out lady. Then get the smile back on. Great post #Sharewithme

  15. mummyhargreaves
    May 15, 2014 / 8:33 pm

    Lovely post. This is so true, we recently (on Monday) lost a friend to cancer at the age of 34. He didn’t know until 3/4 weeks ago and once diagnosed a week ago, was given 2 weeks. I urge you to live life to the full and treasure the health and happiness you have around you because as we have so sadly found out, life can be taken away from you so suddenly.

    • May 15, 2014 / 8:37 pm

      Oh gosh, I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s awful. I’ve just had a friend diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer which had already spread (6 months ago she was clear) and I’m devastated for her. It’s definitely made me appreciate what I’ve got, and hug my little man a bit tighter! xx

      • mummyhargreaves
        May 15, 2014 / 8:44 pm

        Sounds like a similar story, he recovered from skin cancer in January, all clear and then a few weeks ago he started to suffer and then sadly we lost him. So sad. Trying to stay strong for the funeral next week. All the best to your friend x

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