Word Of The Week – Return

Normally at the end of the summer holidays a part of me is ready to return to school. There’s a feeling of excitement about the new year ahead and the chance for a fresh start. This year that feeling isn’t there. I feel nervous about returning on Monday and a little teary at the thought of going back to “normal” life.

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10 Reasons Your Toddler Is Your Best Friend

Lets face it, toddlers are hard work. When you’ve been up since half 5, have played cars for 2 hours straight and then the grumpy little sods throw their “I’m not tired” strop because they are, in fact, bloody knackered they can start to wear you down. But then they will do or say something that reminds you your toddler is your bestest little bud: 1. They tell you look beautiful, when you know damn well you don’t. Unwashed hair, no make-up and those trackies that really should have been binned a year ago is certainly not a good look,…

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Welcome to the Britmums Carnival

Hi, I hope you’ve all been enjoying the bank holiday weekend, despite the not so summery weather.  Way back in January when I offered to host one of the Britmums Carnivals August seemed such a long way off but this year has flown and I can’t quite believe that it will be Autumn next week. Thank you so much to the lovely bloggers who have sent me their links, so without further ado, let’s get cracking. Kicking us off is a post that as an (almost) mid-30’s mummy I could completely identify with.  Tas from Not My Year Off lets us…

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Highlights of Childhood {The Prompt}

“The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out of his nose” Garrison Keillor One of the highlights of my childhood is when I left school. It’s one of these days you spend years looking forward to and then when it arrives, it’s just a bit terrifying. One of my own students summed it up perfectly this year, “Miss, school is all I’ve ever known and now it’s gone. I don’t know anything else.” That’s scary and exciting all at the same time. The final day always had a huge build up. We…

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Challenging {The Prompt}

One of my biggest frustrations as a teacher is the way that students shy away from a challenge. As soon as things start to get tough far too many of them give up. “I can’t do it” or “I just don’t get it” I’ve lost counts of how many times I’ve discussed with my classes how they will find things difficult at times, but that is when you need to put that little bit more effort in. Some of my pupils rise to the challenge so well I’m in awe of them but far too many shrug their shoulders and…

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