
For years we didn’t celebrate Halloween, we were the ones turning the lights off and pretending we weren’t home. It’s only since we moved into our current house five years ago that we’ve started to get into the swing of things. It’s one of the reasons I love living in a small village, there is a real sense of community, which is never more evident than on Halloween.


The pumpkin carving is a serious business. Patterns are researched and each year needs to be a step up from the last. Halloween afternoon is spent hollowing out pumpkins and trying to create something a bit special.



For the past two years O has been a spider (using the same costume) so this year it was time for something new, and he asked to be a wizard. Luckily in amongst the devils and zombies, we found a wizard costume in Tesco. He loved it as soon as he had it on and spent about an hour running around the house turning me into a frog, bird, bunny rabbit and a big tree with his magic wand. Being a serious Ben and Holly fan has paid off as he knew all the magic words!


O is too young to go trick or treating, which I’m quite glad about, as it means we get to celebrate Halloween in the comfort of our own home. We do put our pumpkin out to welcome the trick or treaters and O is ready with his bucket of goodies.


We did have a lot of visitors on Friday. It was so lovely that O could still take part in Halloween and he loved dishing out the treats. He wouldn’t let anyone just take something from his bucket he handed them out one at a time.

There were witches, and ghosts, zombies and monsters. Younger kids with their parents and older ones too, all looking fantastic. I love how polite they all were and they were great with O, being ever so patient as he slowly filled their buckets. I think he was loving all the attention, especially from the girls!

Maybe next year he might start to ask about going trick or treating but I hope we can put it off a couple of years yet. I love our little Halloween celebration at home and seeing my little boys face light up when there’s a knock on the door and he rushes to pick up his buckets and welcome his “customers”.

Hope you all had a happy Halloween!




  1. Beth Twinderelmo
    November 2, 2014 / 8:03 am

    I’m very impressed with your carving skills!!
    Beth Twinderelmo recently posted…Happy Halloween!My Profile

    • November 2, 2014 / 8:13 am

      Thank you, I love pumpkin carving. Can’t wait until O is big enough to have a go. xx

  2. November 2, 2014 / 9:53 am

    We love spending Halloween at home and greeting the trick or treaters! There is something nice about staying in nice and cosy… Maybe in a couple of years we will take our daughter out. But she is only two so I’m hoping to hold off for as long as possible!

    Kay xxx

    Kay recently posted…Our Halloween 2014My Profile

  3. November 2, 2014 / 7:08 pm

    Loving the pumpkin carving! I quite like Halloween but with little miss arriving it hasn’t happened this year, thankfully Monkey isn’t really aware of it yet. Will def make more of an effort next year. We were quite surprised we didn’t get any trick or treaters this year when we normally do. Oh well, will just have to eat the sweets ourselves 😉 xx
    Caroline (Becoming a SAHM) recently posted…Daddy’s BirthdayMy Profile

  4. November 2, 2014 / 8:19 pm

    Sounds like you had an awesome Halloween, and I have to say that spider pumpkin is IMMENSE! We didn’t do much this year as we were away, but next year I am definitely going the whole hog!
    Becky | Spirited Puddle Jumper recently posted…This moment, this timeMy Profile

  5. November 2, 2014 / 9:02 pm

    What awesome looking pumpkins Jo! Good work! Its times like this that I wish I lived in a little village too. We live in a town on a main road and as a consequence there isn’t a huge sense of community – we can go for literally weeks without ever seeing our next door neighbours! We got zero trick or treaters. I was going to take the boys trick or treating with friends in their street but EJ is still only two and they weren’t planning to start til 7pm! We went to a ‘light’ party at a local church instead which was great as there were loads of craft activities laid on, a mini disco, a storytime and songtime session and even ‘dinner’ at the end (hot dogs, ice creams and cakes!). I will definitely make more effort in future (I’m planning to roast our uncarved pumpkins and make them into soup this week!). X #ordinarymoments
    Sam recently posted…Black and White Photography Project: Sibling portrait with scootersMy Profile

  6. November 2, 2014 / 11:13 pm

    I’m wildly impressed with your carving skills – both pumpkins look amazing – and that is one very cute little wizard!!
    cariemay recently posted…SistersMy Profile

  7. November 3, 2014 / 12:00 am

    Wow your pumpkins are fab! we too got into the halloween spirit for the first time ever this year and I think it’s because we live in a smaller village too!

  8. November 3, 2014 / 12:56 am

    Sounds like you had a great Halloween 🙂 Pumpkin carving is lots of fun, and those ones look really nice! I usually just do a face, but maybe next year could try something like the spider, that looked good! #theordinarymoments
    Wave to Mummy recently posted…Our Halloween 2014My Profile

  9. You Baby Me Mummy
    November 3, 2014 / 8:36 am

    Wow your pumpkins are amazing! Sounds like you all had a fun time. Baby was sick so she didn’t even get to wear her outfit! x #OrdinaryMoments
    You Baby Me Mummy recently posted…Baby is 19 months oldMy Profile

  10. November 3, 2014 / 9:29 am

    I am loving your spider pumpkin – must try that next year! Like you, we ignored it, but are now having to take more notice, with Boo getting interested. Looks like you had fun! x
    The Reading Residence recently posted…Milkshake! Party Party LiveMy Profile

  11. Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk)
    November 3, 2014 / 1:26 pm

    Oohhh we also carved pumpkin but I think we started it too early as when Halloween arrived its already starting to rot. Now our bumpkin is in pumpkin heaven! Love your designs! #magicmoments
    Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk) recently posted…A Bristol WalkMy Profile

  12. November 3, 2014 / 2:05 pm

    Your pumpkins are fab, we didn’t get round to carving ours, too much going on! We did have a great Halloween though 🙂 Sounds like yours was great! #MagicMoments
    Sara (@mumturnedmom) recently posted…The Prompt: Week 42My Profile

  13. November 3, 2014 / 4:31 pm

    What a lovely post Jo and how AMAZING are your pumpkin attempts? A million times better than we could do! x

  14. November 3, 2014 / 7:06 pm

    That is one very cute wizard and you have some amazing pumpkin carving skills. I can barely carve a basic face in one! x
    Amy @ Very Much So recently posted…Firsts: On the SwingsMy Profile

  15. November 3, 2014 / 8:18 pm

    I am glad you moved to a nice place with a community spirit. You did a great job with your pumpkins. I think we will stay home and have a party next year.
    Pinkoddy recently posted…Scooby-Doo Halloween PartyMy Profile

  16. November 3, 2014 / 8:34 pm

    Love the pumpkins, and love the pictures, such a cute costume.
    We had our first go at carving a pumpkin this Halloween it was great, I can’t wait until Boo can pick the design and then help =)
    Jenni recently posted…Where does the time go?My Profile

  17. November 3, 2014 / 10:04 pm

    We don’t really ‘do’ halloween but I did do a pumpkin this year although I still turned the lights out and pretended I wasn’t in! Your pumpkins are amazing and your wizard is super cute x
    Donna recently posted…Top Tips For Reducing Your Energy BillMy Profile

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