What do you buy for a 2 year old?

In just over two weeks my little man will be turning 2! Blinking 2, how the heck did that happen? I only brought him home from the hospital a few weeks ago, didn’t I? Anyway, onto more pressing issues as at the moment everyone is asking what they should buy him for his birthday, as well as for Christmas.  The downside of having a November birthday (I know, being a November baby myself) is that you get all your presents at one time of the year and then nothing much for another 11 months.  So as he gets very much spoilt by…

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It Sucks Being A Poorly Mum

Being ill when you’re a mum is rubbish. Whereas in a pre mummy life, you’d have taken yourself off to bed with enough trashy magazines to last you for the duration or headed for a hot bath with something medicinal, these options no longer apply with a toddler to consider. Since Baby O started nursery 12 months ago he has managed to pass on 3 sickness viruses and I’m pretty sure he’s responsible for the flu-like symptoms I’m currently experiencing. He himself never gets ill. but I’m convinced he’s the carrier. I’ve had 10 years of not being sick (well,…

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Happy now Mr Gove!

11 years ago I started my teaching career (oh my goodness, has it really been that long!). Along with 4 other newly qualified teachers, we were young, enthusiastic and determined to make a difference to the children we taught. Whilst one of the girls has moved away the other 3 remain and we are close friends. We’ve been through a lot together; engagements, marriages, break ups, house moves, babies, miscarriages, good times and the bad. During those years the job we started out with has changed dramatically, but what hasn’t changed is we still want to do the best for…

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Feeling Frumpy

With the colder weather drawing in the comfort food comes out and I’ve been indulging. The result being I’ve put on a few extra pounds and as soon as that happens I start to feel frumpy. My clothes feel a bit too tight and so I revert to comfort clothes which are ultimately a bit too baggy and not too stylish. Hubby notices the change as I suddenly start shutting the door when I get dressed or changing in a different room and become a lot more self-conscious. So, time to take action. As of Monday I’m on a 3…

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New Year Update

We’re now 5 weeks in and half term is looming so how am I getting on with my New Years resolutions. Pretty well, I think! 1. I have only bought school lunches twice and both occasions was a small tuna half baguette. I’ve discovered this year that I don’t really have time for lunch (for reasons we will come to later) so I usually throw a yoghurt and apple in my bag to see me through til home time. 2&3. Only one wardrobe meltdown, because almost nothing was clean, and only worn comfy black trousers once. In my defense they…

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