Newborn V’s Toddler Cuddles

When we found out we were expecting Baby O we were over the moon, I was definitely ready to be a mum.  Being the youngest of my group of friends and watching them one by one have babies, I was delighted it was going to be my turn.  I was ready for the baby stage, but I have to admit toddlers scared me. I would get exhausted just watching my friends run around after their little ones. I enjoyed almost every minute of being pregnant (the 3 stone weight gain will confirm that) and longed for those newborn snuggles.  Baby O…

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Ordinary Moments

I’m not a great dancer, I’m ranking somewhere just below average (apart from after several wines when I think I should be giving up teaching and auditioning for a dancing role on Broadway). However, I didn’t expect my son to cotton onto this fact so early on. We’ve recently discovered his favorite song is Miley Cyrus “we can’t stop” so we spent pre Baby O bedtime dancing to this in the kitchen. First Baby O danced with daddy before trying his luck with mummy. Our dance lasted about 5 seconds before he ditched me to go back to his dad.…

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Losing the Baby Weight

After the summer holidays I seem to be carrying a few excess pounds, brought on by a few too many wines and far too many meals out.  It got me thinking about how I lost my baby weight so thought I’d share with you how I managed it. After having my first baby in November 2011 I had put on 3 stone and gone from a size 10 to a size 14 and wasn’t happy about it.  I’d enjoyed the being pregnant part and had taken the eating for two far too literally.  I remember shopping with hubby and Baby…

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New School Year Resolutions

I wrote this last year as I started the new school year. Twelve months on these resolutions all still apply so time to remind myself of them. Last school year was the toughest I’d had so far as I struggled to combine working full time and still being a very much hands on mum.  With a husband who works long hours during the week the majority of baby organization fell to me.  By the time Christmas came I felt like I was cracking up.  So after sitting down with hubby, checking we could afford it, we made the decision I…

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Back to Work

One of my favourite things about my job is the 6 week summer holiday (haha, show me a teacher who doesn’t say that), but since having Baby O it has put me in a really fortunate position.  It gives me the opportunity to experience being a stay at home mum with my son.  As the new school year is rapidly approaching I feel like I’m returning from maternity leave and all of those anxieties from 12 months ago are starting to resurface.  So time to put it into perspective and focus on the postives (and a few negatives) of going…

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