Those Three Special Words!

Little O is a bit of a chatterbox. What he says isn’t always the clearest or makes the most sense but he gives it a go and generally I understand what he’s saying, and those around us have learnt his language too. I have to admit I’ll be a bit sad when he learns the proper words for some things as his version of them always makes me smile. A few of my favourites are: “Uh oh” which means dog (we have 2!) So funny when he’s telling them off, “no no uh oh!” “Inky” means water. I think this…

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Who Do You Want Teaching Your Kids?

When I first started this blog, it was primarily to be a way to record my boys early years, and whilst I figured my job would creep into it from time to time it’s starting to become a bit of a regular fixture on here. I’ve already blogged today but after seeing this advert tonight I couldn’t not respond! I am a Maths teacher. I studied Maths at GCSE and A-level. Okay, I did an Economics degree, but within that was a high Maths content. I went on to do my secondary Maths PGCE and have been working as a…

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The Truth About Children’s Parties!

On Saturday we hosted our very first children’s party as my little boy turned 2. It was one of the most nerve wracking events of my life so far, far more than when I got married. You generally know what to expect at a wedding and adults will usually behave in a reasonable manner. Kids parties were an unknown quantity. Well, we survived and I’m thinking of making myself a badge to wear with pride, “I’ve survived a Children’s party!” So after the past manic week this is what I’ve learnt about children’s parties: 1. Bouncy castles are worth their…

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Is Teaching A Family Friendly Career?

When I first told my mum I was applying for teacher training, her response was “a great job for a woman”. Okay, slightly sexist but I see her point. 13 weeks holiday a year, and you work half 8 til half 3, don’t you? It’s a no brainer! Don’t get me wrong, the holidays are fantastic and as soon as Mr Gove starts to take those away I will be looking at alternative careers, but how family friendly is this job during term time? I have pretty much come to terms that I will miss assemblies and sports days that…

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Should we teach our kids how to fail?

  After an incident with one of my students yesterday it made me think about a training day we had at school a few years ago.  We were asked: If your child had failed their music exam, what would you say to them.  There were several options, a few “nice” options, of how the exam was unfair and there must have been a mistake etc.  The option I chose was “On the day you weren’t good enough!”  Okay, it was in my pre mummy days, but I think I’d still say the same.  I wouldn’t put it quite as bluntly…

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