What do you buy for a 2 year old?

In just over two weeks my little man will be turning 2! Blinking 2, how the heck did that happen? I only brought him home from the hospital a few weeks ago, didn’t I?

Anyway, onto more pressing issues as at the moment everyone is asking what they should buy him for his birthday, as well as for Christmas.  The downside of having a November birthday (I know, being a November baby myself) is that you get all your presents at one time of the year and then nothing much for another 11 months.  So as he gets very much spoilt by everyone our families insist we coordinate pressies so that there are no duplicates and we feel it’s important he will have stuff to last him the full year.

Baby O is quite a simple kind of guy.  He loves balloons, balls and vehicles (cars, tractors, planes, if it moves he plays with it) and after that I’m at a loss of what to suggest.  Here’s what we’ve got from the grandparents, aunties and uncles so far; a garage, a helicopter, a ride on tractor (noticing a theme here) and a Cath Kidston mini rucksack (covered in tractors).

I’m fairly convinced he will love all those things, but as for anything else, who knows.  Last year we bought him the Fisher Price Spin and Go Zebra, which I thought he’d go nuts for and he’s probably sat on it about 9 times in a year!

A few other ideas from friends have been; an aquadoodle (this may stop him drawing on the coffee table with a cheese-stick so could be a winner), moon dough, a balance bike (not sure if this is too old for him yet), a mini micro scooter (same thoughts as the balance bike) or a Pillow Pet Dream Light.

I love how innocent he is at this age and will play for hours with a 50p balloon as I know that won’t last forever, and before I know it he’ll be demanding top of the range (ie. very expensive) X-boxes and the like, but the innocence of him makes him difficult to buy for.  Sod it, I’m going to order a years worth of helium balloons and be done with it!

I’d love to hear your ideas of what to buy a two year old boy.  Quite frankly, I need the help!


  1. October 26, 2013 / 9:47 pm

    Some kids never grow out of it. Lovely Daughter #1 never wants anything. Total nightmare to buy for. And she’s fifteen next Saturday too!

    He sounds a creative little chap. Cheese stick on coffee table could be the start of a new medium for artists.

    • notafrumpymum
      October 27, 2013 / 7:53 am

      I thought he was quiet, little monkey!

  2. October 27, 2013 / 2:24 am

    My daughter was born a week and a half after Christmas, so she has the same issue as your son. I am not sure what little boys like. I wish I could help you. My daughter loves everything we buy her…BUT only for about 2 minutes. Her favorite toys are mommy’s pots and pans. We also have a rice cooker that she like to drag around our house by the electrical cord. That is wonderful for our hardwood floors. Lol! Good luck mommy!

  3. notafrumpymum
    October 27, 2013 / 7:55 am

    My son just loves emptying all my drawers, I should give him free reign for a day as his pressie! x

  4. October 27, 2013 / 9:22 pm

    Aww he will love anything you get him at 2 🙂
    Hope he has a great birthday,,I remember mine turning two now my oldest is 19 eek …
    Thanks for sharing at the weekend blog hop…

  5. October 27, 2013 / 10:16 pm

    Scooter! We got F one at 2 and he was whizzing round no problem a couple of weeks later. It is without doubt the best investment we have made, he takes it everywhere! Although attention is now shared with the balance bike he got for his 3rd x

    • notafrumpymum
      October 27, 2013 / 10:24 pm

      I think we’ll ask my mum & dad to get him a scooter for Xmas then, everyone seems to think they’re fab. Any recommendations, there were that many to look at I didn’t know where to start! x

  6. Toma
    September 25, 2015 / 8:59 am

    Some youngsters never grow out of it. Lovely Daughter #1 never wishes whatever. Overall nightmare to buy for. And she or he’s fifteen next Saturday too!

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