The Forever Home: Extension News 2 {The Final Design}

We are six weeks into the extension and a lot is going on outside to build the framework of the new part of the house but it probably isn’t too exciting to anyone apart from us.  Instead of more pictures of bricks, I’m going to share our designers images of what the end product will look like. We have always dreamt of the large kitchen/dining/family space and I still can’t quite believe we are only a couple of months away from it being a reality.  When we first started talking about the design it was really important that it was…

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How to Save Money with Your AGA this Spring

It’s been a long, hard winter and so now spring is dropping a few hints, you’re probably thinking of ways in which you can claw back some of the money you spent on heating and cooking in the last few months. Of course, buying your heating oil from companies such as Emo Oil is a good start, but you can carry on saving even after your tank has been filled up. Try some of these tips – your bank balance will appreciate it! Aim for the right temperature The integral thermometer on the AGA is notoriously off kilter, so just…

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Is Your Home Winter Ready?

With summer rapidly disappearing, thoughts turn to the colder months ahead, and to ensuring our homes are ready for whatever winter decides to throw at us this year.  We usually all start with the same steps.  Tidying away the patio furniture and barbecue, having a last weed of the beds and getting ready for the leaves that will start falling from the trees over the coming weeks all spring to mind. This year we will also be thinking about the heating system.  Last year our heater decided to pack up the week before Christmas and we had three days with…

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How to Make the Right Choice when Buying a New Shower

Buying a new shower is probably a bigger deal than you realise, it is used on a daily basis and is one of the items in your house you take for granted, I know I do!  If you are looking to update your shower here are a few points to consider. Buy from the right type of retailer These days you automatically get a warranty when you buy something. However, that is only of value if the shop you bought it from is still in business years down the line. If they have closed down, there is no way you…

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Frugal Furniture Ideas To Revamp Your Home

  Decorating a home on a budget is tricky, especially when you need to buy big items, like furniture. When we moved into our dream home 8 years ago it took almost every penny we had (planning a wedding at the same time didn’t help the finances) and there wasn’t much left for new furniture.  We had to work with what we already owned or look at alternative ways to keep the cost of furnishing our home really low.  Here’s a few frugal furniture ideas to help keep costs down: Buy used items Buying second-hand items is an especially good approach.…

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