The Forever Home Tour – The Dressing Room

I started to do a little tour of our home a couple of months ago when I gave you a little nosey around the kitchen.  Due to being pregnant (and exhausted) I didn’t end up keeping up with the other rooms but hopefully, now I have a bit more energy, I’ll be able to finish what I started.  The next room to let you have a sneaky peek at is what is generally referred to in our house as “my room”.  Officially, it’s the dressing room and whilst my husband has his clothes in the wardrobe the rest of it…

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My Favourite Five Nursery Wallpapers

Now that Christmas is over and life is returning to normal it’s time to start looking ahead and for us that means thinking about our new arrival, and for me, how to decorate the nursery. When we were expecting O we knew that the spare bedroom at the front of the house was going to become the nursery.  We had planned to try for a second baby when O was around one and our plan was to then move O into the study and keep the larger bedroom as the nursery.  Well, life has a habit of not working out…

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I Love My Kitchen But…

There’s always a but, isn’t there?  I really do love my kitchen, it is one of my favourite rooms in the house but if I were to change anything it would be the amount of light that comes into the room.  The window is East facing which means that we get the sunlight streaming in first thing in the morning, but by midday the sun is over the top of the house and it can get a little dark. It doesn’t help that there is a ledge above the kitchen window which limits the light that gets in once the…

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The Forever Home Tour – The Kitchen

A couple of weeks ago I wrote up a little tour of our forever home before we moved in and before we had started work on it, if you missed it you can catch it up here.  It’s only fair that I let you have a nosey what it looks like now. Buying and renovating a house at the same time as planning and paying for a wedding was, in hindsight, absolute madness.  It was one of the most stressful times of our lives and cleared out all of our savings but it was the right decision for us and…

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First Impressions – The Forever Home

It may have been the garden that got us through the door but we fell in love with the house almost immediately.  I can’t quite put my finger on it but it was just that feeling that for some reason we were home, we both felt it. It certainly wasn’t the decor, as after being empty for almost 18 months, it didn’t make the best first impression.  Something that ultimately worked in our favour as I think a lot of people were put off by our little ugly duckling. Over the summer I was organising our photos and found the…

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