An English Autumn Garden

I’ve probably mentioned once or twice that the only reason we initially came to view our house was because of the garden.  I’d seen the house on right move and dismissed it straight away believing it to be too small for a family home.  My husband persuaded me to give it a chance as he knew the garden was a big one as his school friend had lived next door. For that reason the garden will always have a very special place in my heart as we both fell in love with the house the minute we walked through the…

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Our Kitchen Art Gallery

When you walk into a house there are certain tell tale signs that let you know children live there.  It may be the toys that are taking over the downstairs (please tell me that’s not just our house), or the pack of baby wipes that are a constant ornament on the dining room table.  Or it’s a quick glance at the fridge. When I pictured myself as a mother I always imagined a fridge full of my children’s “artwork” and the first time O came home from nursery with a picture he’d made it was proudly displayed on the fridge.  Over time…

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