How To Afford The University Life

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. If your child is off to university and you are concerned that they enjoy it as much as possible, one of the things that you might in particular want to think about is how they are going to afford it all as a lifestyle. Most students struggle at least a little, and it’s the kind of thing that can be surprisingly difficult to get right. Because of that, you might need to help them a little with how to approach it. In this post, we are going to take a look at how someone…

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Home Decor Ideas for Students on a Budget

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Image credit Whether you are still living at home, or you have moved into student accommodation, it can be difficult to find the funds to decorate your space.  Decorating your personal space can be important for your well-being. It will ensure that you have a comfortable and safe space to relax after a long day in the classroom and it will also provide you with a clean and clear space to get all of your studying and exam preparation done. The way your space is decorated will have a huge impact on how you…

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Freshen Up Your Home More Effectively

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Pexels – CCO Licence No matter how beautifully your home is decorated, or how much you love its style, there will come a time when you grow bored of the way your property looks, and when that happens, refreshing your space is a great way to fall back in love with it again. With that in mind, below you will find some top tips to help you freshen up your home more effectively when you feel like a change. Declutter Perhaps, the best way to freshen up your home and give it a whole…

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The Importance of Maternal Mental Health’

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Photo by Gustavo Fring When most people think about mental health, they think about adults. However, maternal mental health is just as important as adult mental health. Moms play a critical role in the development of their children, and when they are not feeling their best, it can have a negative impact on the entire family. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of maternal mental health and some of the challenges mothers face regarding their emotional well-being. We will also provide tips for getting help if you are struggling with your…

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Magical Memories: Making Childhood Special For Kids

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Childhood is such an important time; we know from studying psychology that the early years of a person’s life can really make or break them. Right from birth the subconscious is developing, and it’s this part of the brain which later speaks to the conscious mind and impacts our adult behaviour. While certain personality elements are genetic, much of the way we think and interact with the world is determined by the early experiences we have. It doesn’t mean your children have to have the ‘perfect’ childhood but it does mean that it’s important,…

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