Why Perfecting Your Morning Can Increase Your Quality Of Life Tenfold

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Pexels – CC0 License Think of each morning like a game of pool. You set up the triangle ring of balls and taking a deep breath, you use your cue to break those balls and set up the positioning for the rest of the game as they knock into one another at various angles. The first decision you make, and how you execute it, will determine everything from there. Every morning can be considered similarly to this. The way you greet the day, the decisions you make to roll into it, and the energy…

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How To Make Your Back Garden Kid-Friendly

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Image credit  Recent studies indicate that the average child in the UK spends approximately 30 minutes a day playing outside and over 4 hours daily in front of a screen. That means few kids are active and reap the benefits of regular physical activity. Fortunately, creating a kid-friendly garden is a wonderful way to encourage children to spend more time outdoors, engage in active play, and use their imagination. Here are four ways to do so.  Add a sensory garden A sensory garden is designed to stimulate all five senses – something kids really…

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How to Be Cautious of Your Plumbing

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Image credit If you’re wanting to make your kitchen or even your bathroom look luxurious, then it’s all going to start with knowing how to take care of your plumbing. Plumbing is no joke, and one small mistake could come at a high cost, something that’s clearly far from ideal. So, every homeowner and renter has one thing they need to do; be aware of their plumbing. There are some obvious things, such as not flushing anything but toilet paper down the toilet or putting grease down the drain. But there are more things…

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5 Home Maintenance Tips That’ll Save You Money

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Image Credit: IqbalStock from Pixabay. Everyone knows that home maintenance needs to be done, but they often don’t want to spend too much time or money on it. That’s understandable. Leaving things undone, however, leads to problems down the road. These could take a lot more time and money to fix, making them worth avoiding. Focusing on a few home maintenance tips that’ll save you money in the long-term is recommended. Not only should they help you save money, but they shouldn’t take much effort to do. Five of these stand out, as they’ll…

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Making Your Home Baby-Friendly: A Step-by-Step Guide to Prepare It for Baby

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Welcome the baby into your world with excitement and pride! Once they can begin crawling, however, it becomes even more vital that your home be safe from hazards presented by crawling babies. This blog offers helpful advice for parents on how they can prepare their home to ensure the wellbeing of their precious bundle of joy – from baby-proofing coat closets and creating spaces where your crawler can safely explore – all with the goal of making sure your home remains as safe and crawlable as possible! Photo by Picsea on Unsplash Beginning Babyproofing…

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