Celebrating Valentines Day

I have to admit myself and my husband don’t make a fuss of celebrating Valentines Day.  Once upon a time we used to make the effort, we’d book a nice meal, get dressed up but over twenty years and two kids later we tend to spend the day a little more low key.  We do acknowledge the day, we swap cards and will have a nicer than usual dinner but not much more. We used to buy each other presents.  When we were teenagers I could almost guarantee I’d get a soppy teddy bear and, if he was feeling a…

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Car Safety Advice for New Parents

As new parents you’ll understandably be incredibly protective of your latest arrival, wanting to keep them safe probably for the res of their life. You’ll start to notice dangers everywhere, from pushing them in a pram down the street to visiting a friend’s house. Driving can be a big worry, which is why it’s important to understand how to ensure your vehicle is safe. Whether you’re buying a fresh car from Unbeatablecar or already have a vehicle that needs adjusting, the following car safety advice should help keep your child safe. Choosing a Car Seat Before your baby is born,…

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Family Travel: Hacks For Making Life Simpler!

Family travel is never an easy task, it’s more like a military operation rather than being a relaxing getaway, this is because there’s so much that you need to take into consideration. Or, at least, that’s how it can be, the truth is that it doesn’t have to be that way. For some families, travel is so stressful that they avoid it all together. However, there’s no need for that to be the case, because the fact is that while family travel can be extremely stressful, it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of ways that you can make…

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Creative Ways To Save Money On Gifts This Christmas

Photo Credit Now that Halloween is over and we’re more than midway through November, it’s finally time to admit that Christmas is just around the corner. As fun and magical as the holiday season is, it can also be incredibly stressful, especially when you’re on a tight budget. The food, decorations, and days out can all cost you an arm and a leg, but the biggest expense by far is almost always the gifts. If you want to keep costs low and avoid a financial hangover this New Year, here are seven creative ways you can save money on gifts…

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Staying Positive With A Rocky Relationship

Meeting someone and falling in love is one of life’s pleasures. There is just something about loving someone and having them love you back. You can go all in, no thought or question. You can fall hard. Sometimes it works out, you get married and have a family. Sometimes a relationship breaks down. This can happen soon after you get together or years down the line. When you feel like you have been through so much and yet somehow don’t manage to last it out. It can be heartbreaking and devastating. Which is why throughout the tough times you need…

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