
For years we didn’t celebrate Halloween, we were the ones turning the lights off and pretending we weren’t home. It’s only since we moved into our current house five years ago that we’ve started to get into the swing of things. It’s one of the reasons I love living in a small village, there is a real sense of community, which is never more evident than on Halloween. The pumpkin carving is a serious business. Patterns are researched and each year needs to be a step up from the last. Halloween afternoon is spent hollowing out pumpkins and trying to…

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Highlights of Childhood {The Prompt}

“The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard that food came out of his nose” Garrison Keillor One of the highlights of my childhood is when I left school. It’s one of these days you spend years looking forward to and then when it arrives, it’s just a bit terrifying. One of my own students summed it up perfectly this year, “Miss, school is all I’ve ever known and now it’s gone. I don’t know anything else.” That’s scary and exciting all at the same time. The final day always had a huge build up. We…

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Living Arrows 10/52

Now that my little man is feeling a lot better we spent Sunday attempting to feed the ducks.  As it was the first sunny Sunday of the year the first place we tried was so crazy busy we couldn’t park up and the second place we tried had lots of too full ducks who weren’t interested in our late offerings. Luckily there was a lovely park nearby with a great slide, the only thing O is really interested in, which made up for the lack of duck interest!

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Love Is….

Love Is… I’m a little late joining in with the Love Is tag started by My Petit Canard, but as my husband and I are celebrating a belated Valentines Day tomorrow, it seems appropriate for us for me to post it now. Here goes, for our family Love Is… 1. Having my travel mug cup of tea waiting for me when I come downstairs in a morning. 2. Swapping dinners at a restaurant because I’ve been “adventurous” and don’t like what I’ve ordered. 3. All snuggled in bed on a Sunday morning with 2 mugs of tea and a cup…

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Living Arrows 6/52

It seems it’s not just me that is longing for Spring to make an appearance. My little man loves being outside and as he only learnt to walk towards the end of last summer I can’t wait to see him running round the garden this year, and his daddy has bought the footie nets already!

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