The Last Day

And almost as soon as it began, it was over. Today was my last official day of maternity leave. I’m not in work tomorrow as Thursday is one of my days off but I am back to the day job on Friday.  The past 10 months have gone so quickly but it feels like G has always been here. Already those early newborn days seem a distant memory. We did have plans to go to the Trafford centre today, a potter around the shops, a bit of lunch but my baby boy has had a bit of a cold so…

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Introducing Eco Badger – Guest Post

This is something a little different for me as I don’t normally accept guest posts but with a new year I’m hoping to make lots of positive changes, one of them is being a little more open to new and fresh ideas.  Eco Badger is a new fashion company providing eco clothing to all ages.  Without further ado I will hand over to Kelly (blogger at Nature Mum Blog) to tell you a little more about it: Some of you may know me as Nature Mum Blog. It is a kind of parenting lifestyle nature cooking blog. It doesn’t really have…

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Now You’re Three Months Old

Dear G Happy 3 Month Birthday little man, I can’t believe how quickly the past 3 months have gone. A quarter of a year.  You are not my tiny newborn anymore, you are fast becoming my gorgeous little chunk.  All chubby cheeks, chubby thighs and double chins. Whilst the past three months has gone so fast I can hardly remember what it was like before you were here.  All the longing for you and the hurt has quickly disappeared, those feelings have been replaced by so much love.  And you are so much loved, by everyone.  They are all smitten…

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Time To Press Play

It feels like forever since I sat down to write a new post here.  I’ve just about kept things ticking over with a couple of Little Loves posts and I am loving being able to at last join in with The Siblings Project but other than that my little blog has been pretty neglected.  As we begin to come out of that newborn haze of the first few weeks and find our feet as a family of four I find myself thinking about the past few years and the long road we have travelled to get here. For so long…

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A Romantic Proposal…eventually!

By his own admission my husband is not particularly romantic. That doesn’t mean he isn’t thoughtful, he is. He’ll de-ice my car in a morning and bring me a cup of tea in bed but he isn’t one for grand romantic gestures. Maybe that’s what made his proposal that little bit more special. In Spring 2007 my future husband had a phone call from one of his suppliers at work asking if we fancied an all expenses paid trip to Venice in the summer. Ermmm, let me think about that for a minute. Yes, we bit their arm off! Venice…

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