Top Tips When Choosing Your Perfect Wedding Venue

When you first get engaged it is all excitement as you gush over the ring, celebrate with a glass (or two) of something sparkly, make the big social media announcement and thank the many family and friends who send you their congratulations your way. But then comes the very serious business of planning a wedding.  After the dress the venue is the second biggest decision you will make and plays a huge part in setting the tone for the day.   Here are 5 questions to ask yourself as you view a wedding venue: Where will the ceremony be held?…

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Are You Caring For Your Elderly Parents Well?

There comes a time in your life when you’re going to find that you need to start caring for your parents a lot more. While at one point, they were the ones that were providing you with the care you needed, now it’s very much the case that you are going to switch roles. Because you’re now an adult, and they are getting older by the day. Sure, they may still be smart and they may still be able to do things for themselves now, but that may change. And they may just need a little more support from you.…

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Top Tips To Keep Kids Safe In The Sun

As a mother to two very pale skinned, blond hair, blue eyed boys I worry once the sun comes out.  I love being in the sun and the boys love playing outside but they burn easily and making sure they are safe in the sun is my top priority. Here are my top tips for keeping kids safe in the sun. In the words of Baz Luhman Wear Sunscreen – my boys are always covered in it.  They are so used to being slathered in sun cream that there isn’t even the hint of a moan when it’s time to…

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Planning Your Wedding With Optimism

Photo Source Weddings can be tough to negotiate. Not only do you have plenty on your plate as far as this is concerned, but it can be hard to try and navigate the desires and wishes of your partner, your family, their family, and yourself. This is leaving out the circumstances of fate that might impede on that which we truly want. Our favorite venue might have emergency renovations booked for the week you wish your wedding to be on, or perhaps family members cannot make it from abroad. However, no matter what challenges you face, it is absolutely possible…

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6 Facts About Fertility Everyone Should Know

When you decide to have a baby you think it’s going to happen almost straight away, but one in six couples struggle to conceive and many of them must turn to private IVF treatment. If you’re planning to have children one day, or even if you’re already a parent, it’s worth getting clued up and doing your research about fertility to help improve your chances of a successful pregnancy. Check out the following facts of fertility, a few of them may surprise you:

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