Making Your Home Feel More Private

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

Your home should be your retreat from the world. It’s a space where you should recover the energy lost throughout the day, a spot where you can really be yourself. Alas, there are a few things that can compromise this sense of security, and that’s when you don’t feel private at your property. Of course, it’s unlikely that anyone is going to intentionally look into your home, but it’s just not a pleasant feeling. It’s not even about being viewed, either — if your home lets in too much light and public noise, then you won’t feel as cut off from the world as you’d like.

Below, we take a look at a few ways how you can turn your home into a sanctuary.

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Concealed Entrance Ways

You don’t want the people who walk past your property to see you, and you don’t want to see them. It’s uncomfortable for everyone involved! But if your home isn’t covered up in any way, then this is just what will happen. As such, it’s recommended that you take some steps to conceal your entranceway. A gate, fence, hence, and plants in the yard can all help to hide your property. 

External Light and Noise

You’re not going to feel cut off from the mania of the outside world if you can see and hear it all the time, and especially the latter. How are you supposed to enjoy the privacy of your home when you can hear every conversation and passing car? You couldn’t. Fortunately, there are things you can do to reduce this sound. For example, you can look at getting solid wood panel window shutters from These look great, for starters, but can also help keep unwanted noise and light away from your home. 

In the Garden

You can take some simple steps to cover the front of your home, but what about in the yard? It can feel even more important there since that’s a space where you like to hang out and have fun. It’d be hard to sink into all the joys of the summer season if you feel like you’re on display. So you’ll want to take a look at increasing the privacy of these places, too. A hedge or fence will work extremely well, as will planting bushy plants and trees.

Private Living Space

If you find that you’re struggling to unwind in your living room without feeling like others can see you, then why not look at rearranging the room, or changing the space where you unwind altogether? You might be currently based in a room that’s not right when it comes to privacy. 

Get to Know the Neighbours

Finally, get to know your neighbours. This is one of the best ways to feel more secure and safe in your home, since it fosters community and you can be alerted whenever someone who doesn’t belong in the area is snooping around your home. Plus, you’ll feel less on display if your neighbours are friends! 


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