Magical Memories: Making Childhood Special For Kids

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Childhood is such an important time; we know from studying psychology that the early years of a person’s life can really make or break them. Right from birth the subconscious is developing, and it’s this part of the brain which later speaks to the conscious mind and impacts our adult behaviour. While certain personality elements are genetic, much of the way we think and interact with the world is determined by the early experiences we have. It doesn’t mean your children have to have the ‘perfect’ childhood but it does mean that it’s important,…

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How to Make Incredible Memories With Your Family

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. This year, more than ever, it’s important to make incredible memories with your family. It’s safe to say that a lot of stress on everyone in life and spending quality time with your loved ones can help reduce some of that tension. Luckily, there are plenty of fun activities that the whole family can enjoy together. Keep reading for some tips on how to make incredible memories with your family. Bonding More Closely With Your Family The last few years have been a tough one for everyone. From the worldwide pandemic to social unrest…

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How to Encourage Your Child’s Maturity and Independence

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. When you’re a parent, you obviously want to protect your child for as long as you possibly can. And those feelings never really go away. But at the same time, you need to balance those instincts with what’s actually best for your child and what’ll result in them becoming the best adults later on. That means encouraging them to be mature and even a little more independent as they grow up. Here’s how to do that. Find Chores for Them First of all, you can start to find chores for them that are appropriate…

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Saving Money On The Weekends While Still Having Fun As A Family

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Everyone looks forward to the weekend, and with good reason. It’s the chance for you to spend quality time as a family, relax and create wonderful memories together. But let’s face it. Weekends aren’t cheap. There’s a balance between keeping everyone entertained and wanting to make the most of your time together while trying not to overspend. In a time of rising living costs, you’ll most likely be looking at ways to cut your spending. Does that need to include your weekends? It doesn’t have to be! Here are some useful tips for saving…

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How To Keep Your Long Distance Relationship Going Strong

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Pexels Image It can be tricky when you have to live away from your other half, whether it is for work or because you are currently living in different countries. But there are still ways in which you can keep the romance alive. Here are some top tips to demonstrate how much they mean to you.  Video Chat Luckily with the advent of technology it is a lot easier to keep in contact. You can skype, zoom and whatsapp each other on video chat which enables you to be able to see your partner…

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