Review: The Little Green Sheep Cot Mattress

Moving your baby into their own room is such a big step.  I put it off for as long as I possibly could with G.  I loved having him beside me in his Moses basket but at almost 6 months it was no longer a comfortable option for him.  Whilst he could just about fit it didn’t leave any space for him to wriggle around.  With a very heavy heart I started to think about how to make the transition to his nursery as easy as possible. When the lovely people from The Little Green Sheep got in contact to…

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Mamas & Papas Corby Tindersticks Range Review

I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with patterns.  I go through phases when I love them and almost everything I buy has a pattern on it and then I swing the other way and stick to plain colours.  When I decorated O’s nursery during my first pregnancy I was a huge fan of the Mamas and Papas Gingerbread range, but then after looking at it for a couple of years I was longing for something plainer. I’ve mentioned before that I am a big fan of Mamas and Papas and I was recently contacted to see if I would…

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Oxford Children’s Christmas Picture Book Review

Sometimes you receive something through the post which actually makes you “ooh” out loud with how lovely it is.  This happened when these beautiful Christmas picture books arrived on my doorstep.  I actually had a bit of a moment when I opened up the package and saw five of the most gorgeous books nestled inside. I’ve always been a book lover, when I was a little girl every Friday night my mum and dad would buy me a new book as my end of week treat.  My husband always jokes about how quickly I can read a book, and loves…

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Baby Jogger City Tour Stroller Review

One of the aspects of parenting second time round I was most looking forward to was having a pram to push again. There’s something just a little bit wonderful about it and, of course, you want a gorgeous pram or pushchair for your little one (and well for you too). We were recently asked to try out the Baby Jogger City Tour Stroller and I couldn’t have been more excited.  G didn’t last long in the carrycot of his pram as he hates being flat on his back and also hated that he couldn’t really see.  So far he has…

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Snuggle Sac Review

Some of my favourite childhood memories involve sleeping bags.  My brother and I had matching ones and we had hours of entertainment with them.  Sliding down the stairs in them with our cousins or putting them over our heads to play worms (a game we made up that involved catching people and guessing who it was whilst you couldn’t see as the sleeping bag was on your head!)  As we got older and started to have friends over for sleepovers the sleeping bags would be wheeled out. We were recently asked if we would like to review a Snuggle Sac…

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