Some Spring Style for Your Home

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

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The spring is here and it’s time to tidy your home and get your life back under control. It might also be a good chance to introduce some spring styles into your home to inspire you over the coming months. Spring is a time of renewal, but it’s also full of vibrant colours making it the ideal time to get creative and get stylish. 


Redesigning your home for the sake of one season might seem like an overindulgence, on the other hand, there’s no reason not to if it’s what you want. An easier and less expensive alternative is to use accent styles to good effect. 

Accent styles might be the colour of one of your walls in the living room or the trims you have in the bedrooms and kitchen. By changing the accent colours you give your home a new feel and appearance for a fraction of the outlay.


Spring is an excellent time to decorate the home with seasonal inspiration. A little bit like Christmas, spring is the time to get creative and turn your home into a seasonal wonderland. Two ideas worth trying are mason jar decorations and flower arranging. 

You can find some good videos online on how to make lively decorations for your home using Mason jars and some of the nature you find on your daily walks. The other thing you can try is flower arranging which has a long tradition at this time of year. 


Whether it’s the view from the window you live or the warm spring sunshine on your face, this is the time of year to indulge in the outdoors. You can make the outdoors more accessible to your home with some well thought out spring spaces.

A spring space might be a sunny nook that’s set up at a sunny window with a comfy chair and small table for herbal tea, or it could be a spring terrace made from your balcony or extension. Remember to include plenty of hanging baskets in your spring space. 


There’s never a bad time of year to add some extra security to your home and spring is no exception. In fact , spring is a particularly good time to add security to your home in anticipation of holidays in the summer or staycation getaways. 

Access Hardware offers some of the most security locks and home security hardware on the market today. These locks can secure any type of door whether it’s a front door or a set or French doors. Explore Access Hardware doors today to find out how they can protect your property. 


Once again, you don’t have to go all out to redecorate your home for the spring season, you only have to change one or two items to transform your living space into something colourful and inspiring  who doesn’t want that at springtime. 

Consider introducing some floral lamps into your home that give off a warm spring glow in the evenings, or change a piece of statement artwork to bring a new theme to your environment. You don’t have to change the wallpaper, simply browse the Internet for some seasonal items.


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