Menorrhagia (Heavy periods)! Causes and natural ways to stop it

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Menorrhagia is a health condition associated with women. Women suffering from this condition have a difficult menstruation cycle in which the bleeding lasts more than seven days along with blood clots execution, constant pain, and fatigue.  As per the health experts, a normal female bleeds about 4 to 5 days and loses a small amount of blood (2 to 3 tablespoons). But females struggling with menorrhagia bleed more than 7 to 8 days and loss twice the amount of blood than average.  If you are among the latter, here are some reasons that you…

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Hey mate! Live the dream of moving in with your best friend!

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Haven’t you all fantasized about living with your best friend (s) and experiencing the fun life as shown in the sitcoms and daily soaps? (You already know which ones we are talking about.) If yes, and you are planning to take that big step in your friendship, this article is just the right thing you need. Let us make it very clear that living with someone who already knows you like the back of their pain is definitely a relief since you don’t have to share those awkward moments with some stranger roommate/housemate. Apart…

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Change Your Mind: Mental Health-Focused Lifestyle Changes

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. At some point, we are all likely to deal with the giant that is mental health issues, whether we are experiencing them personally or directly helping someone who might live with them. While working with medical professionals to get to the bottom of and help with these issues are key, our lifestyle can also have a massive impact on them. As such, there might be some lifestyle changes you can make to address emotional health problems you or someone you love has been experiencing lately. Pic – Pixabay License Something to do It might…

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Taking Care of After Party Mess: Time Saving and Easy Ways

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. After having a great party the night before, what greets you in the morning is the pile of mess everywhere. No matter how careful your guests may have tried to be about the entire scenario when it is a celebratory mood, few slips of foods and drinks are bound to happen here and there. Cleaning is a job that takes a lot of time and effort to do. An efficient way to do this is to plan it properly. Taking care of the aftermath can be really overwhelming. But there is no reason for…

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Playing Musical Instruments A Day Can Keep The Doctor Away

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. Being holed up in all the daily activities of an active schedule can sometimes begin to feel draining on mental health. Leading a life of anxiety and constant stress can prove to be severely detrimental in the long term. Research tells that practicing musical instruments can be very advantageous in numerous ways. Benefits of playing musical instruments Practiced even in hospices and palliative care, strumming these amazing musical tools can bring an array of health benefits. Firstly, it keeps the mood and heart healthy and always cheers up the emotional distress of the mind.…

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