Revamp Your Conservatory: Simple Tips For A Modern Update

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.

Are you tired of your outdated conservatory being the eyesore of your home? Do you feel embarrassed about your outbuilding and need to drag it into the present? Of course, a conservatory is an excellent addition to any home, providing extra living space and a connection to the outdoors. But if yours looks a bit worse for wear, it’s time to give it a 21st-century makeover. 

With a few simple changes, you can turn your conservatory into a stylish and modern space you’ll love spending time in.

Image by Karolina Grabowska via Pexels

Update Furniture

The furniture in your conservatory can make a big difference to its overall look and feel. If your furniture is old and worn, it’s time to invest in some new pieces. Opt for modern, comfortable furnishings that will make the space feel inviting and relaxing. Consider adding a statement piece, such as a large and colourful sofa, to make a bold statement. And you don’t have to stick to the traditional plastic weaved conservatory furniture. It’s indoors to pick something modern and comfortable. 

Introduce Greenery

Plants are a great way to bring life and colour into any space. They can also help to freshen the air and create a sense of calm. If your conservatory doesn’t have much natural light, opt for low-light plants that can thrive in shaded areas. A few well-placed plants will make all the difference in creating a serene and inviting room. Use these interior design principles to choose the best planting style and placement for your space. 

Better Lighting

Proper lighting is essential for any room. And your conservatory is no exception. Natural light is great, but it’s important to have additional lighting options for evening use. For example, consider installing dimmer switches to create a warm and inviting ambiance. And if your conservatory has no electrical outlets, it’s a good idea to install them. This allows you to add lamps, floor lights, and even fairy lights to create a cosy and inviting atmosphere.

Durable Roofing

The roof of your conservatory is a critical aspect to consider when updating it. If your roof is old and leaky, it’s time to replace it. Consider installing a new roof made of glass or polycarb sheet. These materials are energy-efficient, durable, and easy to maintain. They also allow natural light into your conservatory, making it feel more spacious and open.

Modern Decor

The final touch to modernising your conservatory is to update the decor. If you’re going for a modern look, opt for clean lines and bold colours. Add a large piece of artwork or a statement mirror to create a focal point. And don’t forget to add some cosy textiles, such as cushions and throws. These small touches will make the space feel warm and inviting.


With a few simple updates, you can transform your conservatory into a stylish and modern space that you’ll never want to leave. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different colours, textures, and materials to create a space that is truly unique to you. And remember to share your finished conservatory with us by tagging us on social media. We would love to see how you’ve brought your conservatory into the 21st century.


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