Making your home friendly for your mental state is a challenge that all of us should be accepting and doing our best to succeed at. The problem is that it can be tough to know where you should start when it comes to creating an environment suitable for de-stressing. So, to give you some help here are some ideas for ways to change your rooms and help you out. We will look at big plans and smaller ideas as well, so here are the suggestions.
Move Stuff Out
One of the first things you should consider doing is moving things out of your home that have no place being there. This task, as alluded to above, is easier said than done, but you can accomplish it by following these steps:
- Organise
You should start by taking each room one at a time, maybe beginning with the ones you use the most, and preparing your belongings into piles. The idea here is to find the unnecessary clutter that you no longer need in your home. The reason for this is clutter isn’t just bad for your physical space, but also for your mental space. Now, throwing things out can be anxiety inducing, so we aren’t just looking at taking drastic action. All you need to do when sorting your rooms is ask yourself if you need it now, in the future or not at all.
Once you have your piles then it is time to get moving.
- Move
Now, when you come to moving home or a commercial office you are going to use a professional like Grange Removals. However, for what we are talking about here, you should just be preparing to do one of two things and might not need to bring in a big team to help you out – though you might want to.
- Move into storage
- Throw It Out
The things that you think you might need, you should move into storage. But set yourself a time limit for those things. It isn’t much good just moving useless things into a different unit, and is much more productive to be prepared to sort through those things in storage in six months. The idea of throwing things out is quite straightforward, find the items in your rooms that you no longer have a use for or that has outstayed its welcome and bin it.
Another suggestion is to decorate your home with colours that are more suitable to your wants and needs. This is known as colour psychology and is a fantastic tool to help you improve your mental health by creating ambiences in rooms that match their requirements. Using well-researched studies into the effects that colours have on us you will be able to design rooms so that they are perfected for their uses. Blues, for example, are said to have calming impacts on us so are well-matched to living rooms and bedrooms – the places we come to relax and unwind.
Colour psychology is something that you can make the most of in any room in the house and it doesn’t have to just be used to calm you down. Different colours stimulate our creativity, encourage productivity and soothe our emotions. It is just about finding the colours that suit your needs and getting your paintbrush flowing.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post.