Teaching Boys They Can Fly Too

Growing up I never pictured myself as an all boy mum.  Equally I didn’t picture myself as an all girl mum either.  Coming from a family with one of each that is how I saw my future, not for any particular reason other than it was what I knew.  The majority of my friends came from one of each families and it just seemed the norm. Fast forward to present day and I am a fiercely proud boy mum, and I love being the only girl in the house.  We’ve had the inevitable “Will you be trying for a girl?”…

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For years we didn’t celebrate Halloween, we were the ones turning the lights off and pretending we weren’t home. It’s only since we moved into our current house five years ago that we’ve started to get into the swing of things. It’s one of the reasons I love living in a small village, there is a real sense of community, which is never more evident than on Halloween. The pumpkin carving is a serious business. Patterns are researched and each year needs to be a step up from the last. Halloween afternoon is spent hollowing out pumpkins and trying to…

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