Can You Transform Your Body Fast?

Disclosure: This is a collaborative post. From time to time, each of us is liable to becoming a little despondent about our bodies. It may be that you want to lose some weight, or tone a particular part of your body, or to gain a little more muscle. Whatever the specific goal is, it can often seem a little overwhelming trying to make it a reality, especially if you are trying to do so as fast as possible. However, there are some things that are bound to help, and they are worth focusing on. Here are some of the things…

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Lost Weight? Maintain It!

If you have recently lost quite a bit of week, I’m sure you will be feeling very pleased with yourself. And quite rightly too! It’s a big achievement to lose some weight, especially if you have lost a few stones and managed to come down to a healthy size. I’m sure that you will be feeling much better for it and will now have buckets of energy. However, losing weight is one thing – maintaining it is a completely different thing altogether.In fact, some people who have lost a significant amount of weight often struggle with keeping it off. They…

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My Health Mission – Getting Started

When I had O in 2011 I gained an awful lot of weight.  After he was born I had gone from a size 10 to a size 14.  At my nephews christening a month later a couple of people didn’t even recognise me I had put so much weight on.  I had stood there wondering why they weren’t saying hello and then there was a flicker of recognition on their faces as they realised it was me. When I discovered I was pregnant for the second time I was over the moon but determined to be healthier throughout the pregnancy.…

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Fit for The Festive Season #1

  We’ve been having a lovely summer holiday, our trip to Turkey was wonderful and since we got home I’ve loved having the opportunity to spend every day with O.  One thing that has been niggling me has been my weight.  I’d promised myself when we returned from Spain back in May I would do something about losing those extra pounds but, in reality, I haven’t done much. I feel uncomfortable and clothes aren’t fitting as well as I would like.  Today I uploaded our holiday pictures from the big camera.  Most of the pics on my iPhone don’t include…

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Taking Back Control

I’ve been with my husband since I was 16. He knows me better than anyone else in the world, better than at times I know myself, which can drive me a little crazy at times. I like to think I’m quite a laid back person but I do have moments when I get stressed, who doesn’t? Last year my husband pointed out that I only really get panicked when I feel that circumstances are out of my control, and although I’d never thought of it that way he was exactly right. The past few months have felt very much out…

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