Those Three Special Words!

Little O is a bit of a chatterbox. What he says isn’t always the clearest or makes the most sense but he gives it a go and generally I understand what he’s saying, and those around us have learnt his language too. I have to admit I’ll be a bit sad when he learns the proper words for some things as his version of them always makes me smile. A few of my favourites are: “Uh oh” which means dog (we have 2!) So funny when he’s telling them off, “no no uh oh!” “Inky” means water. I think this…

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Who Do You Want Teaching Your Kids?

When I first started this blog, it was primarily to be a way to record my boys early years, and whilst I figured my job would creep into it from time to time it’s starting to become a bit of a regular fixture on here. I’ve already blogged today but after seeing this advert tonight I couldn’t not respond! I am a Maths teacher. I studied Maths at GCSE and A-level. Okay, I did an Economics degree, but within that was a high Maths content. I went on to do my secondary Maths PGCE and have been working as a…

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