The Mummy Tag

I have been tagged by the lovely Jenny at Let’s Talk Mommy to complete the Mummy Tag which is a great way to find out a little bit more about mummies who are blogging.  Below are my responses and I’ll be tagging a few other bloggers at the bottom. 1. Are you a Stay at Home Mum, or a Working Mum? I’m a working mum.  I went back to work full time after my maternity leave but reduced my hours to 4 days a week after a year.  I hated working full time as I felt I never got to see my…

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Are you a PMT sufferer? (Pre Me-Time Tension)

I recognise the signs well in advance. I start to get a bit grumpy, the patience starts to wear a bit thin, hubby starts to get “the look” more often than not and he gets very snappy answers to any of his questions. It’s that time, I’m suffering from PMT (pre me-time tension)! When I get like this I know perfectly well I’m due a bit of me-time to get my head back in gear. It doesn’t need to be much. A coffee and trashy mag for an hour or a wander round M&S (alone!). Yesterday I ended up in…

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Working Mums: give yourselves a break!

Everyone tells you how hard the first few months of being a mum will be. You know there will be sleepless nights, sore boobs, not knowing what the hell is going on and you survive in a haze of sleep deprivation. At some point without you even realising it starts to get a bit easier, you get a few more hours sleep, you learn to interpret the cries and you can manage a full cup of tea whilst your little monkey is happily bouncing around in a jumperoo. Then that day arrives, the return to work and the goalposts change…

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5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Toddler Is Tired

How to spot if your toddler is feeling a little tired: 1. They yawn. 2. They tug on their ears. 3. They appear a little irrational and may be easily upset. 4. They scream blue murder if you don’t agree to their every whim (how unreasonable of you to not let them kick the dogs!) and the more you try to appease them the louder the screams become. 5. They curl up in a naked angry sobbing ball after bath-time (your fault, you did take them out of the bath when it was empty to prevent them getting cold, you…

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Teach Your Kids Some Manners Please!

If I was ever asked what I would put into Room 101 I know what would be top of my list. People with bad manners! Drives me crazy. The people who never say please or thank you, don’t acknowledge that you’ve held a door open for them and then, in return, would let it slam in your face (usually when you are weighed down with bags, and barely a spare arm). Don’t even get me started on lack of manners when someone gets behind a wheel! I can feel the anger rising already. Generally, I’m a fairly placid person, but…

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